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[See rule 39]
Whereas a claim for compensation, has been made by……….. applicant, against and the said……………has claimed that is liable under section 12 (2) of the Workmen’s Compensation       Act, 1923, to indemnify him against any compensation which he may be liable to pay in respect of the aforesaid claim, and whereas the said……………. on notice served has claimed that you………………stand to him in the relation of a contractor form whom the applicant………. could have recovered compensation you are hereby informed that you may appear before me on……………. on contest the claim for compensation made by the said applicant or the claim for indemnity made by the opposite party ………….In default of your appearance you will be deemed to admit the validity of any award made against the opposite party………… and your liability to indemnify the opposite party…………… for any compensation recovered form him.
Dated…………….. 19……………


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